Saturday, February 2, 2008

Reagan's Jelly Belly

Blueberry flavor was created for Ronald Reagan's presidential inauguration in 1981 when over three tons of Jelly Belly beans were consumed during the festivities. This way there were red, white, and blue Jelly Beans. Although the above portrait isn't it, a portrait of President Ronald Reagan made from 10,000 Jelly Belly beans hangs in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. During the presidency of Ronald Reagan, Jelly Belly beans were served in the Oval Office and on Air Force One. A holder was designed for the plane so the jar of Jelly Belly beans would not spill during turbulence.
Here are some pictures of the Jelly Belly Jelly Bean Factory in Fairfax, CA. Just down the street from the Budweiswer Bottling Company. Couldn't take pictures but that Bacardi Lime sure did taste good! So did the Bacardi Triple and the.... What else did I try?
I'm not in Austrailia yet. But until then, here are some other pictures I've taken in California.
The Oakland Staduim



For those who have never been out west to eat at one of these, it's a great fast food burger place. Not many menu items, but what they have is good. There's also the good ol' Jack in the Box as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffany.... enjoyed your pictures! Love you, Sandy