Friday, February 1, 2008

No More Alkatraz?

Yesterday was a bit rainy, so rainy that even the birds were taking cover. But I still made an attempt to make my way around town to do some sight seeing.
I did some walking around downtown San Fransisco, CA today. Just doing some sightseeing in an area I've never been. Here are some things I saw today.
(Bay Area Regional Transportation)
This has been one of my means of transportation around San Fransisco as well as going between there and Oakland.
San Fransisco Bay Bridge
Like every place in the US, there are those without places to call home. Makes me thankful for all that I have.


Unknown said...

Is the Golden Gate Bridge (Bay Bridge) really golden? Or orange? Or just gray? You picture of Alcatraz looks like I've always figured. Great talking to you on the phone today!!


Anonymous said...

Oops! I had a typo in the last post. Oh, well, I guess you can figure out what I meant.
Yo Mama

Tiffany Martschink said...

Actually, Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge are two different bridges. The picture I took is the SF Bay Bridge, which is grey in color. I thought I was going towards the right bridge when walking and realized I was on the wrong end of town. But I had to go to get to Travis AFB (which is where I am now).
But to answer your question, no, it isn't golden. I did learn a little history about it today. I'm told that it's a rusty orange color. The name Golden gate was around long before the bridge was there. The mountains in that area looked golden and was refered to as the "golden Gate" for those coming into the port. Thus, when the bridge came along, it inherited the name.

Anonymous said...

You're in San Francisco? And you're headed to Australia???