Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Down Under?

If you read the last post, you may be wondering "What happened to Australia?" When I arrived at at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California, There was only one seat going to Austraila. Guess what... that seat had my name written all over it. I won that seat. However, I gave the seat up to another soldier meating up with some buddies. There were personal reasons for me doing this. Reasons I wish not to mention here. I am in California and plan to leave tomorrow afternoon to get one step closer to my Australian destination.
For now, please enjoy these pictures I took today of the Grand Canyon.


PhotOle said...

have fun traveling

ThatShazGirl said...

im just passing by, have fun in Australia. I'm actually from New Zealand which is next door to Oz you should stop by NZ too! I'm going to sydney in a week cant wait! you'll have lots of fun.. :)

Take care