Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Round & Round She Goes, Where She Stops No One Knows

I'm taking a nice vacation. So where do I go? Some place I've never been. A place of interest. A place I may not have the opportunity to go to down the road... Down Under: Austraila. And it's warm weather this time of year. bNever been there and a place most may never see in a lifetime. That was the plan, at least. But the logistics didn't seem to be working in my favor to make that trip. So, where else can I go? Europe. Even though I've been there before, I'm sure there are things I can visit and re-visit. Well, logistics didn't work there either. Well, long story short (too late) I'm now in Oakland, CA enroute to... yea, that's right, Austrailia. My original plans. Things to have seemed to work out. At least thus far. For updates on my venture, please keep posted right here and see where I'm off to next. Pictures, comments, etc. will be here. Please feel free to add your 2 cents worth


Anonymous said...

so fun! Can't believe you are on your way to australia! I am so jealous. How long do you think you'll be there?
Have fun and take pictures!

Anonymous said...

first blog I ever visited...great... are you really in Australia? cool -Chric

Anonymous said...

Wow! You're in for a real treat! Look out for the kangaroos, koalas and tasmanian devils! Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Girl, you never cease to amaze me!! Thought Australia was out of the picture...but God does work in mysterious ways, huh??

Take care and be safe!

Adopted Mom Sherry C.