Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Organizational Day

Organizational Day is a day set aside for soldiers, civilians, and their families to gather around for food, fun, and fellowship. This year, Ft Knox held it's annual Post Organizational Day at Killanski Sports Complex. Why at a Sports Complex? Even though it is a nice day to be out of uniform and away from work, there's also the opportunity to display unit pride and cohesiveness through sporting competions.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Steel Cross Service

The first Sunday of each month the four Protestant Services are cancelled as well as the Lutheran Service. Are these soldiers in training being denyed they're right to worship? No! Not at all. They all go to Olive Theatre for what is called the Steel Cross Service. The goal of Steel Cross Chapel is to: Inculcate Army Values/1ATB Mission into the service by partnering with local community churches and bands, leveraging technology to connect with the Millennial and Generation Y Soldier by presenting relevant and Biblical messages. In April, the band that came for the Steel Cross Service was called "Giants of Silence." They are an alternative christian rock band (pictured below). Their style of music was great in reaching this younger generation coming into the military today. In the fourth picture, is CH Watters, our BDE Chaplain, inviting the soldiers to look inward to see where they are in their own walks with Christ.
We've also had Debbie Robins come who was the fourth in a series of bands to visit 1ATB and play for the Soldiers in Training (SIT). Debbie Robbins is a professional singer who has performed for Soldiers attending Operation Appreciation. She lives in and attends a local church in Louisville. Her concert proved to be of the highest quality. More information about her can be found at Debbie Robbins spoke to and kept the attention of Millennial Generation Soldiers. The SITs were overwhelmingly positive in their support of the presentation. Debbie has a unique way of melding together Worship with military themes. Her video presentation “Letters from the War” struck a powerful note with the attending Soldiers. Comments from the packed out Olive Theater were extremely positive.
Other groups include "Prdigal Praise," Youth Choir and Drama Team from First Baptist Church of Maldraugh, "Even Me" from Dryridge, and Dave Roever.