Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Military Training

The Chaplain's Assistants in the 1st Armor Training Brigade had the opportunity to go through the Tank Driving Simulator (TDS) here on Ft Knox, KY. This simulator is where the job training begins for those whose jobs will either be tankers, scouts, or tank mechanics. It was a great experience to see- and feel what it's like functioning in a different soldiers occupation. As small as I am, I can't imagine being in that vehicle for days and sharing the closed space with 3 other individuals. We were in a tank simulator as well as a new stryker simulatore. Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Call

On Saturday, July 7, 2007, over 70,000 people gathered at LP Field / Titan Stadium in Nashville, TN for TheCall: Nashville, crying out to God in repentance and hunger for revival and justice in this nation. As you can see from these pictures, the stadium was packed.
People came not for a musical concert or a festival or to hear the biggest names in Christendom, but they came to the sound of Joel 2: "Blow the trumpet in Zion! Consecrate a fast! Call a sacred assembly." The Call brought together people from all across the nation to gather in a culture-influencing city to seek God in prayer and fasting. It was an experience I'm glad I didn't miss.

This is Lou Engle who has been organizing and spearheading these events.
He's had to of spent a lot of time in prayer to make events like these happen.
In the next year, TheCall will gather people to different cities around the nation and then converge again in Washington, DC for TheCall DC II in 08.08 (August 2008) believing that 1 million people, young and old alike, will gather to fast, pray and ask God for a historic visitation of epic proportions. I am so glad to say I was apart of this and was able to experience God in such an amazing way. THE CALL-NASHVILLE can be viewed on GodTV until August 6th. Here is a link to a portion if it. http://uk.god.tv/Publisher/Article.aspx?ID=1000017691 Psalm 24:3-4 3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ? Who may stand in his holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July

Yesterday, as a nation, we celebrate our Independence Day. As individuals, we celebrate our dependency upon the King of all Kings. Freedom rings loud and strong for those of us who have previously been bound under the clutches of satan. Our freedom is a direct result from our dependency! We know the price and the value of our freedom; we understand, to the extent our minds can fathom, the sacrifice Jesus paid for us to have that freedom. We STAND in that authority.
The enemy of this age does not want any of us free. A child of God walking in that level of victory, power, and freedom is unstoppable. You and I must demand the freedom that Christ paid so dearly for, we must fight to the end for it. Otherwise, it is all a dream.A cry of FREEDOM is being clamored into the atmosphere, deafening the ears of the enemy and crushing the armies of darkness. Testimonies of miraculous salvation, deliverance and freedom are coming forth, and breaking the bonds of captivity and bondage from the oppressed. We STAND in that authority. Near one hundred, sons and daughters, stood in the place of freedom today. More and more are hearing the Lord speak regarding the authority of the Spirit in the area we occupy. Visions of angelic hosts continuing to surround Church Street bellow out long after we, as individuals, leave our battle stations. If only those driver and onlookers could see a glimpse into the spiritual realm, what sight would they see? A lingering peace remains and seems to increase the closer our journey draws to an end. With only two more days remaining in these twenty-one, our hearts swell with anticipation as to what the Lord is doing. Could it be as in the days of Daniel, where for twenty-one days a battle raged in the heavens, and Michael, the Archangel, was held back until breaking through the enemy on day twenty-one? Do it God! Break through the atmosphere. Rend the heavens as we rend our hearts before you. Answer our prayers, purify your bride, and end the reign of Jezebel in our land.