Monday, March 19, 2007

Dave Roever Freedom Ralley

There must have been countless angles rejoicing in heaven on Sunday. All day Sunday. Sunday morning 4 Protestant Services came together for one service. This church service was for soldiers who were in basic training, tanker training, and Cav Scout Training. This service was hosted by Dave Roever. He and two others conveyed messages of hope provided to them by Jesus Christ after being injured during wartime. Five hundrend soldiers committed their lives to Christ that Sunday morning.
Sunday evening out at Central High School in Elizabethtown, KY, Dave Roever, Brian Flemings, and JR all spoke to the community at a Freedom Ralley. They conveyed the same message of hope to the surrounding community as well as soldiers from Ft Knox. When the soldiers entered the building, there was 15-20 minute standing ovation. Before Dave Roever started his speach, he wanted to give a warm "welcome home" to all the Vietnam Veterans that they didn't get when they returned home from war.
Sunday night at the same Freedom Ralley, there were countless numbers of people who came to the alter, most of which were soldiers, to give their lives to Christ. How powerful this event was!

Dave Roever will be speaking Thursday morning at the National Prayer Breakfast here at Ft Knox, KY. Between now and the National Prayer Breakfast, Dave Roever and his team will be conducting more of these ralleys at several other High Schools and Middle Schools in the community.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Operationi Fellowship

The 5/15 CAV is an OSUT (One Station Unit Training) battalion that falls under the 1st Armor Training Brigade (1st ATB). It is a battalion contained of new soldiers entering into their military service- doing basic training and their job training all at one time and one location. They are being trained to become Scouts. This OSUT training is a total of 17 weeks. When these soldiers reach their half way mark, we (the UMT- Unit Ministry Team) buses them out to a local church off post called "Fellowship Independant Baptist Church." This church also has a private K-12 Christian school- "North Hardin Christian School." These soldiers meet up at the chapel at 8:30am and return at approximatly 4:30pm. What are they doing all day? They are participating in what is called Operation Fellowhip.
During Operation Fellowship, soldiers experience a Christian message,
a wonderful tasting home cooked meal,
topped off with an opportunity to play sports in the school gym, write letters home, socialize, and relax. The members of the church are so nice and friendly! It's a great way for the community and the soldiers to interact with each other.
This wonderful woman is affectionatly known as "Ma Bird." She has been working with this program since it began 17 yrs ago. Isn't she the sweetest thing?!!