Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ft Knox, KY

Well, I've arrived at Ft Knox, KY. I have been in processing the post and the unit that I will be apart of. Inprocessing includes registering my vehicle on post, updating my ID Card, and all my records- to include my medical, dental, and personel records updated. This includes getting those shots that I haven't had in a while. Gosh, I didn't realize how many I needed- many of which I didn't have already.
Thank you all who sent emails, text messages, and phone messages wishing me a "Happy Birthday!"

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Well this is home. I guess it will be a while before I see it again. So I have my car packed up with my bike on the back of the car ready to go on this journey.
Before I left Charleston, SC to go to Ft Knox, KY for a one year activation/ mobilization. I ate with some friends at The Mustard Seed.
Thursday, February 15th I arrived in Augusta, GA to visit some friends, then hit the road to reach my destination. It was great to hang out with them. Good times!
I left Friday morning from Augusta for an 8 1/2 hr drive to the Ft Knox, KY area. This picture is one of the stops at a gas station to fill up the tank and streach my legs for a bit before heading out again.
I was greeted by snow and temperatures of 18 degrees. Nothing like the temperatures I was familiar with back home in Charleston, SC.
Tuesday morning I will begin my mobilization. The first week or two will be in processing the installation and to the unit. More updates will continue periodically.